Demountable walls are a win-win for both Landlords and Tenants.
All landlords will tell you the best tenant relation strategy is cost containment. Keeping costs down is a win/win for everyone. But how? Commercial property owners face a constant battle trying to strike a balance between the high cost of construction and the need to transform out-of-date space into attractive tenant-ready offices. NxtWall demountable architectural walls offer the perfect solution to this age-old dilemma. NxtWall demountable walls are flexible, functional but most of all, competitively priced and offer an alternative to drywall construction.
“Modular walls are a critical part of our tenant relations strategy. We can do full reconfigurations for what other buildings spend for minor TI work. And we can modify spaces mid-term when needs change. Tenants really like that attention, helping them do business their way.”
– Gary Christensen, CEO, Christensen Corporation
The real benefit of a demountable wall systems is the ability to be installed or reconfigured quickly. NxtWall uses a simple “field-fit” system. The term “field-fit” refers to a process whereby each structure is built piece-by-piece onsite, rather than constructed from prefabricated units. NxtWall’s field-fit wall systems provide installers with the flexibility to adapt to preexisting and imperfect site conditions, regardless of the severity. Field-fit tolerances can accommodate up to several feet of change, unlike “unitized” or “pre-engineered” walls systems which allow only inches. NxtWall demountable walls are entirely prepared and assembled on-site using tech/set screws designed for hassle-free changes.
The “field-fit” process uses nonprogressive framing and allows access to individual areas without impacting adjacent panels. They are flexible and offer an economic alternative to standard drywall construction. NxtWall’s wall systems are fast and easy to install – perfect for a quick office reconfiguration or when time is of the essence. Reconfiguring your office space can even be done overnight with minimal work stoppages in some instances. NxtWall maintains a 2-3 day turnaround time on quotes and delivers product within a 3-5 week standard lead time.
NxtWall also offers a Quick Ship Program which fast-tracks orders using stock finishes, hardware, wallboard, or glass. Even though NxtWall already maintain one of the fastest lead times in the demountable wall industry, with our quick ship program we can now provide product even faster — in as little as 7 days*. This contrasts with the 6-14 week lead time you’ll find with the other wall companies.
* Glass is field-measured, ordered and shipped after framing is installed. It is not included with the initial framing shipment.
NxtWall wall systems are flexible, reusable, and fast.
Control costs with NxtWall architectural demountable walls. NxtWall’s competitive pricing will fit your budget. NxtWall demountable walls can be reconfigured and reused to meet your changing building needs. When changes must be made to a space, it’s far less expensive to move demountable walls than to tear down and rebuild drywall offices. Demountable walls also offer minimal work disruptions, keeping workers safe from excess dust, paint fumes and down time.
NxtWall architectural demountable wall products offer incredible savings and tax benefits. Landlord/Tenants can take advantage of our speed of construction, re-use opportunities and the tax benefits of IRS Section 179’s accelerated depreciation incentive.
Tenants not only enjoy the flexibility of demountable walls but also find them aesthetically pleasing. Whether the plan calls for an open office environment, or individual offices, look to the NxtWall’s Design Team to bring your dreams to reality. NxtWall’s stylish architectural wall products offer unlimited opportunities to create the perfect workplace environment. NxtWall Architectural Wall Systems offers endless customization whether you are looking for vinyl, laminate, tackable fabric board, writable whiteboards, translucent resin panels or even 3D designs. Not only does NxtWall carry a wide array of standard grade finishes for walls, we also provide the “hottest” specialty finishes for walls on the market today!
NxtWall Benefits:
- Inexpensive alternative to drywall – options available with lower first-cost pricing compared to drywall standard construction methods
- Affordable = Control costs with NxtWall
- Quality product
- Section 179 tax depreciation incentive
- Fast, clean installation
- Changes from solid panels, to glass, to acoustical tackable fabric, to whiteboards are seamless and quick
- Acoustical fabric panels available for sound management
- A single trade can install NxtWall from start-to-finish, as opposed to the extended schedules that come with standard construction methods
- Durable / easy maintenance
- Fastest lead time in the demountable wall industry with a 3-5 week standard lead time
Product: Flex Series
Wall Frame Finish: MS Silver
Market: Laboratory
Door Type: 3/8″ Clear tempered frameless glass swing doors
Description: 10′ High x 96 LF demising wall with solid bottom panels and plexi-acrylic top panels.
See more Flex Series Images